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        Ball Launcher - Balschietmachine - Verhuur

        €395,- Op voorraad
        Ball Launcher - Balschietmachine - Verhuur... Toon meer
        • Gratis verzending vanaf €75
        • Standaard de scherpste prijzen
        • Zorgvuldig geselecteerd assortiment
        • Achteraf betalen mogelijk

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        Ball Launcher - Balschietmachine - Verhuur

        Om kennis te maken met de Ball Launcher Pro én natuurlijk om je evenement. clinic of open dag een echte boost te geven, kan de Ball Launcher nu ook gehuurd worden.

        De huurprijs bedraagt € 395 per dag, weekend of  midweek. Daarnaast dient een cash borg (€395)  te worden betaald bij afhalen of via de shop.. De borg wordt terug betaald bij het terugbrengen van de machine na verhuur.  Indien wij met de machine op lokatie komen geldt geen borg.

        Ook wordt de ball launcher veel verhuurd voor de zakelijke reclamemarkt aan reclamebureaus, evenementenbureaus,  influencers en youtubers. Hiervoor is het ook mogelijk dat wij op lokatie komen met de machine tegen een extra uur tarief. Er geldt dan geen borgsom. Wij bedienen dan de balshooter voor u tijdens de shoot of film opnamen en kunnen deze instellen voor nabootsing van elk gewenst schot. Bel of mail ons voor referenties van bekende merken waavoor wij deze extra dienstverlening ook al hebben gedaan.


        Dag: Ophaaldag, Gebruiksdag en Terugbrengdag (3 dagen)

        Weekend: Vrijdag halen en maandag terug

        Midweek: Maandag halen en vrijdag terug

        Indien later toch wordt overgegaan tot aanschaf, wordt de reeds betaalde huur in mindering gebracht op de aanschafprijs.

        NB: Het is ook mogelijk dat we de balschietmachine meenemen met de feeder zodat we om de paar seconden een zelfde bal kunnen produceren

        Voor intensieve techniektraining is het nodig dat een speler of keeper veel ballen ontvangt met de juiste snelheid en richting. Waarbij de aangever niet moe wordt of de techniek mist om de juiste ballen in te spelen of voor te geven.

        De Ball Launcher kan meer dan 200 ballen per uur met de juiste snelheid, richting en hoogte produceren.

        De Ball launcher is in afmetingen, gewicht, prestatie en betaalbaarheid een unieke machine. Deze machine mag bij geen enkele vereniging of voetbalschool ontbreken.

        De Ball Launcher kan door iedereen in twee minuten worden opgebouwd. Omdat de machine de hoek waaronder de bal wordt gelanceerd kan variëren en helemaal rond kan draaien kan elke mogelijke aanspeel bal worden nagebootst. De mogelijke snelheden liggen tussen 10 en 130 km per uur. Er kan gewerkt worden met ballen in maat 3, 4 en 5. Voor de jongste jeugd tot profvoetballers. De batterij gaat 4 uur onafgebroken mee en 200x per uur kan een bal worden gelanceerd. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van zeer hoogwaardige componenten bij de fabricage.De ball launcher is CE gecertificeerd en heeft een garantie termijn van 12 maanden

        Wij zijn overtuigd van deze fantastische machine. Ten eerste omdat de kracht en snelheid waarmee de bal geschoten moet worden eenvoudig en precies kan worden ingesteld. De machine heeft ook echt de power om ballen tot 45 meter afstand in elke gewenste hoek en plaats af te leveren. Daarnaast kunt u met deze machine ook elk effect perfect nabootsen.

        Maak je spelers technisch beter met de Ball Launcher

        Bekijk alvast enkele filmpjes en laat je ook overtuigen:

        Hoe wekt de Ball Launcher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4rUJKVsgfQ&

        Keeper, spelers en team oefeningen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJHHDsUhM5I

        Professionele spelers training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO7X2hFCmQQ

        Professional Goalkeeper Practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joPfVEABq2c

        Amateur Young Outfield Player Shooting Practice:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H1HdODpTKE&

        Amateur Young Goalkeeper Practice:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXbRBPty7Rg


        Kijk ook nog enkele filmpjes :




        De Balschietmachine werkt op een volle Accu 4 uur achter elkaar. Heeft u een activiteit welke langer duurt of wilt u er zeker van zijn dat u langer kunt werken met de balschietmachine dan is een extra accu met oplader leverbaar voor €395


        Onderstaand nog meer product teksten in het Engels:


        The immense benefits a ball launching machine can bring to any squad are clear, but until now these quality types of machines have been un-affordable for most.

        In developing Ball Launcher we identified “affordability” as a key part of the design process alongside offering performance and quality. By making our high performing machine affordable for almost every club, academy, soccer school, coach or parent globally, we would like to believe that we can help influence the quality of training. 

        Our goal was to build a machine that was not only performant, easy to use and reliable, but one that could be acquired by all through direct purchase or with the additional support of sponsors. 

        We believe that Ball Launcher is the most quality and performant ball machine available for its price in the world.


        Speeding up the development of individual players or improving as a team in record time are just the start of the story. Coaches can choose to build sessions around the Ball Launcher allowing them to validate the ability or improvement of players without having to make any allowances for inaccurate ball delivery. Ball Launcher can provide an increase of over 200% in training density creating reduced downtime and better performance quicker than any other comparable training method.

        Repetition and consistency are the keys to improving any athlete’s performance. Good player technique for example can turn a draw into a winning game or save from defeat, but how many players have the skill or confidence to apply this technique to a match play scenario? Ball Launcher makes it easy to build skills and players’ confidence because they can hone their techniques to perfection. This is possible in not only an efficient way, but whilst being interactive and fun too. We don't see mishits or mistakes in training as failure, we seem them as opportunities to grow, develop and be better ready for match day.  

        Ball Launcher does the hard work for coaches allowing them to maintain focus on improving skills and team strategies. With consistent ball delivery guaranteed, coaches are free to get the very best out of their squads. Ball Launcher can also help prevent against creating or aggravating coaching staff injury associated with regular ball delivery.

        Easy to Transport

        Through direct experience we are acutely aware of the issues that many coaches suffer in getting to and from training venues with all the required equipment. Once bibs, balls, cones and kits are included, space is often at a premium.

        Our compact and lightweight Ball Launcher is less than 80cm long and 50cm wide and can fit comfortably into the boot of a small family car. It can also be broken down into four separate parts in seconds if needed for extra space and ease of transportation.

        We have designed Ball Launcher to be a ‘plug and play’ machine, it takes less than one minute to remove the machine from a vehicle and plug in and deliver a ball. Not everyone has access to a secure lock up or storage facility to keep equipment pitch side and it is with this in mind that we have created our machine.

        Suitable for All

        Versatility was an important factor in the design process of the Ball Launcher. Because we know that coaches are sometimes called upon to teach at different levels of ability, it can deliver ball sizes 3, 4 and 5 from speeds between 5-80mph.

        Whether used to provide goalkeeper training, hone first touch skills , finishing or validate a set piece strategy for an entire team, Ball Launcher can easily flex to the training needs of each and every training session.

        With all types of common spin available (backspin, topspin, sidespin and knuckleball), coupled with its ability to deliver turf-cutters and in-swinging and out-swinging crosses through to high, cross-field passes or 80mph power shots, Ball Launcher can replicate any game scenario a coach could imagine.

        Boys, girls, men and women of all ages abilities and playing positions can benefit from our machine's ability to provide all ball deliveries found from Grassroots up to Professional level. 


        Ball Launcher is an innovative piece of training equipment that will supercharge the way your players train and perform. With a full range of elevation, rotation and speed our football launcher replicates every type of delivery any player or coach could ask for. No excuses, no fatigue, just perfect delivery that allows you to unlock player potential.





        • Deliver 200+ balls an hour
        • Rechargeable battery with up to 4 hours life
        • Adjustable speed of 5-80mph
        • Accepts ball sizes 3, 4 and 5 without adjustment
        • Lightweight and compact (fits in the boot of a small family car!)
        • Deliver chips, crosses, spin, out-swingers, in-swingers, knuckleballs + more
        • Assembles in just 2 minutes
        • Delivery distance up to 55 yards
        • Suitable for every position, every level, every age
        • Wide range of elevation and rotation to get that perfect delivery
        • Patent pending Gunner Mechanism makes angle adjustment a breeze
        • Fully CE safety certified

        VIDEO ZONE

        For and in depth look at what Ball Launcher can do and how it will elevate your training, our videos below are a must watch.

        • Full Product Overview:Watch Now
        • What Do the Pros Think?:Watch Now
        • F2 Freestylers:Watch Now
        • Real Training Examples:Watch Now


        • Height: 850mm
        • Width: 470mm
        • Length (with removable handle): 1200mm
        • Length (without removable handle): 630mm
        • Weight (incl. battery): 42kg


        • Speed

        Designed to deliver balls from 5mph to 80mph

        • 3 Ball Sizes

        Accepts and delivers ball sizes 3, 4 and 5 

        • Elevation & Rotation

        Minus 10 degrees to plus 35 degrees plus rotational aiming

        • Spins

        Topspin dips, Backspin chips, curling in-swingers or out-swingers and Knuckleballs

        • Materials

        The highest quality aluminium profiles, rubbers and high grade plastics are used in manufacture

        • Safety

        Low voltage (12v) and CE certified (must be used under adult supervision)

        • Weatherproof

        Designed to resist anything that British weather can throw at it.  No paint and no rust!

        • Battery Life

        Up to 4 hours of charge using varying speed outputs.


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        What do I get if I order a Ball Launcher machine?

        A fully tested, quality assured and safety certified Ball Launcher football machine consisting of:

        • 1 x Ball Launcher head unit
        • 1 x Ball Launcher frame
        • 1 x removable pull-handle
        • 1 x rechargeable battery pack with charger
        • 1 x ball feed
        • 1 x microfibre towel
        • Access to our online video manuals and guides
        • Physical and detailed instruction manual

        Does a battery and charger pack come with my machine?

        Yes, this will be supplied as standard. Additional batteries can be purchased on our store, to enable a quick swap and extended sessions.

        Are there any Add Ons available?

        Add Ons include additional battery units and micro fibre towels, with further in development. 

        How do I get the most out of my machine?

        Alongside the informative instruction manual we highly recommend watching our range of video tutorials here, support is also available from the Ball Launcher team at [email protected].

        Can I use Ball Launcher in all weather conditions?

        Ball Launcher has been effectively designed to resist anything that extreme weather can throw at it in terms of 'no rust' and all electronic components sealed safely. In wet conditions however, it is advisable to use a towel to quickly dry the balls before entering into the machine to ensure maximum performance. We also cannot be held accountable for deliveries affected by natural windy conditions.

        How do I know my machine is safe?

        Our Ball Launcher has been CE certified with all necessary safety considerations implemented. We advise that children do not operate the machine and adult supervision is required at all times whilst the Ball Launcher is in use. We have applied safety stickers and warning notes on the device to advise of the main risks.

        Is there a warranty period?

        We provide a comprehensive 12 month warranty for replacement of any faulty parts.

        Is VAT applicable on purchases?

        Yes, we are VAT registered company and purchases will incur VAT as standard.




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        Ball Launcher - Balschietmachine - Verhuur
        € 395,-
        Ball Launcher - Balschietmachine - Verhuur
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